12045527_10207881497137709_8213014576621555092_oLet me first to tell about me : My name is Dyna , I am 43 years old , I am married and have 3 kids , I live in Ivato vilage near by the airport in Tana . I worked in different tour companies for 9 years as driver guide which organize trips all around Madagascar , It means I have 18 years of experience in this job untill now As driver guide , I' ve got a lot of experience in tourism especially on field and organizing trips , I've driven and guided several clients, most of them come from english speaking country who adviced me to run my own local tour company in which I' m working with my family and friends to whom I share my experience , now we are a big team work but I am still guiding client to make sure the services that we provide to the clients . You can join me on facebook by typing my name Dyna Michel Rasolomananarivo to be my friend